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Fiber parameters:

$L$: fiber length
$D$: dispersion coefficient
$n_2=\gamma c_0 /\omega_0$: nonlinearity coefficient
$\alpha$: fiber attenuation
$n_0=1.5$: refractive index at carrier frequency for small electrical field strength
$F=50\mathrm{\space µm^2}$: effective modea area of the fiber

Signal parameters:

$T$: pulse duration
$\Delta T$: impulse spacing (overlapping for negative values)
$T^* / T$: pulse duration mismatch
$A^* / A$: pulse amplitude mismatch
$\textbf{pulse sequence}$: sequence of multiple pulses (example for correct syntax: [0][2][1][exp(j*pi/2)] for four soliton pulses with real or complex valued envelope scaling )
$\textbf{shape}$: envelope shape of input signal to create non-ideal solitons
$\lambda_0=1500\mathrm{\space nm}$: carrier wavelength

As hyperbolic secant is not limited in time, the impulse width $T$ here is defined as $\mathrm{sech}(15\frac{\tau}{T})$ for $\tau \epsilon [-\frac{T}{2},\frac{T}{2}]$.