MIMO Outage Capacity
The ergodic capacity we discussed before is achievable under the assumption of fast fading characteristics of the channel.
And this ergodic capacity is in general not achievable [2] for slow fading channels, where the channel remains constant during the entire transmission but changes from transmission to transmission.
In other words, each information codeword experiences a constant channel realization.
An appropriate metric for such kind of channels is the outage capacity.
With outage capacity, the channel capacity is treated as a random variable which depends on the instantaneous channel realization.
Whenever the receiver is not capable of supporting a given information rate $C_{\rm{out,q}}$, an outage is declared. The associated outage probability is thus
P_{\rm{out}} \left \{ C\leqslant C_{\rm{out,q}} \right \}=q
This can be interpreted as the information rate of $C_{\rm{out,q}}$ is guaranteed for $100\cdot (1-q)$% of the channel realizations.
Or one may say the highst supportable information rate is $C_{\rm{out,q}}$ if an outage probability of $q$ is desired.
Furthermore, the distribution of the channel capacity is needed to compute the outage capacity.